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ENDS 231:  (discontinued)

Architectural Structures I. (2-2). Credit 3.  Introduction to the physical principles that govern classical statics and strength of materials through the design of timber and steel components of architectural structures; computer applications. Prerequisites: ENDS 106; MATH 142 or equivalent; PHYS 201. 

ARCH 331:

Architectural Structures (Formerly titled Foundations Structures). (2-2). Credit 3.  Physical principles that govern statics and strength of materials through the design of architectural structures from a holistic view, in the context of architectural ideas and examples; introduction to construction, behavior of materials, and design considerations for simple and complex structural assemblies; computer applications. Prerequisites: MATH 142 or equivalent, PHYS 201.

ARCH 431:

Integrated Structures. (2-0). Credit 2.  Selection and economics of structural systems in the context of integrating structural systems into a building through good design; analysis and design of wood, steel, concrete, and composite systems and members in relation to building design. Concurrent enrollment in ARCH 405 and ARCH 435.  Prerequisites: ARCH 305, 331.

ARCH 614:

Elements of Architectural Structures. (3-0). Credit 3.   Investigation of the structural factors that influence the development of architectural space and form; introduction of the physical principles that govern statics and strength of materials through design of timber and steel components of architectural structures.  Prerequisites: ARCH 612 or approval of instructor.

ARCH 631:

Applied Architectural Structures. (3-0). Credit 3.  Structural analysis of building structural systems: components, frames, shapes. Selection and economics of structural systems; survey of current structural design codes; supervision practices in structural construction. Prerequisite: ARCH 431 or approval of instructor.

Courses Taught: University of Illinois - School of Architecture

ARCH 251 Statics and Dynamics 
ARCH 252 Mechanics of Materials and Design Applications 
ARCH 353 Reinforced Concrete Design 
ARCH 355 Structural Analysis 
ARCH 452 Foundation Engineering 
ARCH 455 Prestressed Concrete Design 
ARCH 459 Structural Masonry Design